Money Back Guarantee

Our refund policy is strict and simple. If you complete the blogging and social media courses, blog four times, and show evidence that you have posted to your social media accounts for a minimum of 30 days, we will refund the first three months of your membership.

You must request your refund no more than 100 days after initially registering for the program.

Refunds are not permitted because you do not like the plan or have changed your mind. To receive your refund you must demonstrate that you spent time learning the content and executing the plan.

A full refund is available for the first three months of the course if you have completed the blogging and social media courses and followed the email plans for the first 90 days.

To receive your full refund please send the following information to with the subject of "refund."

  1. Your completed keyword research document

  2. Your completed 12 month editorial calendar

  3. Link to your blog with at least 4 blogs written since you started the course.

  4. Links to your social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)

As soon as your refund is requested your course access will be cancelled and your daily emails will stop.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to Jennifer at