beautiful beach scene and the words content ideas for July

July Content Ideas for Blogging and Social Media

June 10, 20243 min read

“Your blogs and social media posts will sizzle in the sun with these great content ideas.” ~ Jennifer Gardella, Ph.D. 😎

Is your blog getting a little drab? Well do not fear! The team at Your Social Media Hour is here to help! Below we list some monthly themes that are easy to use and relatable to ANY business. If you get stuck just let us know!

Monthly Themes

July is UV Awareness Safety Month. This is important to any healthcare provider out there, even psychologists, anyone in the healthcare field at all.

National Sunscreen Month, so that’s fun to capitalize on as well.

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. As we all know, mental health is one of the biggest and hottest topics out there. June is Mental Health Month so continue writing in that area for July. Raise awareness for access, health insurance, and disparities for minority communities.

National Anti-Boredom Month. This is a really good one if you have a product or service that entertains people, engages them, educates them on something, gets them on board. Usually, boredom leads to stuckness, which can lead to depression and lots of anxiety. So, if you have a solution for that, go for it and share it. And remember, with the kids home, parents will ALWAYS be looking for great ideas to help entertain them.

National Picnic Month. Now, I shared this one because you could do something clever about what’s in your picnic basket. I know it can either be real food or a picnic basket of tools to help you through life, whether it’s in your business, with your divorce if you’re a divorce attorney, right? Whether it’s anything that your ideal client needs, what do they put in that picnic basket?

National Ice Cream Month, and I’m a huge fan of ice cream, so that would be a really fun post for me to do.

National Watercolor Month. So again, this stresses creativity. What colors, what are you painting, what’s your picture look like?

Significant Days

I wanted to get into some of the days. Again, these take a lot of responsibility on your part as the small business owner. We post these at 12:00 midnight as the day changes, so it’s only in your social media for that one day and then goes away as the day ends. You don't want a Happy 4th of July Post still lingering out there on the 5th.

July 1 is International Joke Day. That’s hilarious, right?

July 4th is, of course, Independence Day. Be careful if you are in a volatile or a hot profession. Some people don’t want to hear about July 4th anymore.

July 7th is World Chocolate Day

July 13th, have National French Fry Day.

July 17th is World Emoji Day. Now, I am not a huge emoji fan. I don’t believe that they should take the place of written words when you can be expressing something. They can be kind of fun though, so find a good emoji that again represents your business and go for it.

July 30th is the International Day of Friendship. Extend a hand, extend a tip on that day to those who are suffering, who need your services, who need your expertise. Give away a little tidbit for free, talk about how you help.

Need more ideas? Join Your Social Media Hour today to get the daily social media support that you need!

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Jennifer Gardella, PhD

Dr Jennifer Gardella is your social media expert. She has built Your Social Media Hour to help small business owners, personalities, authors, attorneys (and others!) get the help they need!

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